Tertiary Education

"That ICPA (Aust) requests the Minister for Education and the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations to investigate the real cost rural and remote students face whilst completing compulsory placements during their degree.”


We thank the government for introducing a Commonwealth Prac Payment (CPP) of $319.50 from July 2025. However, we do have many questions; What is the means tested component of the payment? Do the students who do not qualify for the Australian Government income support still receive the CPP? Is the CPP enough for a student who cannot be paid for their placement period, which can be for months?

Often students have a minimum of six months placement throughout their degree. The recently announced payment is for teachers, nurses, midwifes and social workers. There are many other students in degrees that need financial support for their placements.

We have two remote students in our branch who are studying externally while holding full to part time jobs, away from home. These jobs have to be flexible so they are able to leave for compulsory placements for many weeks at a time. Their placement locations are limited to places where they can couch surf or stay with relatives or friends. Paying extra rent for a short time is expensive and not viable for many. For our children who already reside away from home to study, the mandatory unpaid practical placements add an extra financial and emotional burden. as they juggle paid work, study obligations and full-time placement.